I Love Belgium... and you?

31 mai 2007

Toute la famille !

Toute la famille !
Originally uploaded by janosizoltan.
Réunie dimanche dernier pour la communion de Thomas. Pour les noms, dois vraiment vous aider? ;-)

30 mai 2007


Originally uploaded by janosizoltan.
heureuse comme tout lors de la communion de Thomas!

28 mai 2007

cocktail along the pool

cocktail along the pool
Originally uploaded by janosizoltan.
Hi all, I am back from Sardinia ;-)
here is the first picture of a long serie, pls give me some time to put it on line!

Hope everybody is ok!!!!!!! Give me neeeeeeeeeeeeews !

18 mai 2007

Hello Goodbye ;-)

Hello Goodbye ;-)
Originally uploaded by janosizoltan.
Hello Dear Friends,
I leave you for a short week, going to the South (well, depends where you live of course ;-)
I m going to enjoy some piña colada's and Juice with Fruits (yes yes), and admire a fantastic view on the Mediterranean sea...
wouaw, I am already excited, actually!
I send you big hugs from here and there, and hope to see you back by the end of May ;-)
Cheers, Zoltán

15 mai 2007

Nagyszerü! Sárközy mikulás!

14 mai 2007

"Nee" dit "oui" à 40.000 fellations

Y a de tout en Flandre... La campagne électoral à peine lancée, des petits partis naissent avec des idées marketing +/- originales... vous trouverez un article que je viens d'écrire sur AdValvas. Tentant, non?

11 mai 2007

my bolivian flag get caught ;-)

Today, I found my favourite Bolivian flag in an article written by Plan B (you can read it here). I am of course very proud that my image has been used for this written excercise, by Sebastian Molina, from Santa Cruz (Bolivia). Thank you ;-)

Original picture here:

02 mai 2007

De Sárközy à Sarkozy

Souvent grotesques, parfois diffamatoires, rarement exactes, beaucoup de rumeurs circulent en France sur les origines hongroises de celui qui pourrait devenir, dimanche prochain, le nouveau président français, Nicolas Sarkozy (lire la suite ici)